
No, not the film!  A friend asked if we could make a cake for one of his biker mates – the picture he sent me was the guy’s avatar on his bike discussion forum.  Bit of a short notice order this one, but with such a specific design it didn’t require too much thinking/planning time, and the design itself didn’t need a lot of prep work either.  Something different for me again, and I wholeheartedly agree that variety is the spice of life!

We were invited for the evening to the bike rally that the cake was presented at – and the recipient was pleased with it.  Its really great to see people’s faces when they get a special cake unexpectedly, something I usually don’t get the pleasure of being present for.  He was deliberating how to get it strapped onto his bike to take it home, but was promptly advised by the others that there was unlikely to be any cake left to take home by the end of the weekend![envira-gallery id=”4718″]